When I first got into the trade show business I would walk the show floor to get an idea of what exhibitors were doing. What worked and what didn’t? I passed by one booth where a staff member was delivering an in-booth presentation. Twenty minutes later, the guy was still talking! I kid you not. But, there was one difference from the first time I walked by. Half the audience was gone. This brings me to: 5 reasons you should hire a professional trade show presenter to deliver your message.

1. They stay on subject.

Your staff is knowledgeable, but therein lies the rub. A trade show presentation must be brief, on point and cover 3-4 salient points to be memorable. Your own staff may have a tendency to ramble on because they can! But, attendees have short attention spans. They have a lot of turf to cover. Your in-booth presentation isn’t a seminar or breakout session. A professional presenter will stay on message each time and work with your marketing team to craft a message that will be on target and just the right length.

TPG Presenters Larry & Robin take the stage.

TPG Presenters Larry & Robin take the stage.

2. They stay enthusiastic all day.

I’ve been in the trade show biz for 20 years. I can’t count how many times staffers compliment the presenter for their energy levels. Presenting all day is hard work. Presenters can’t look tired or uninterested. Or, dare I say, come in dragging from a late night. A professional presenter is a performer. They understand whether it’s the first presentation or the last, each audience is brand new. The last group deserves the same attention as the first.

TPG Presenter counts down to the company product launch at AACC.

TPG Presenter counts down to the company product launch at AACC.

3. They have excellent public speaking skills.

Although your staff may have knowledge they may not be good speakers. You’ve heard the old saying that more people are afraid of public speaking than they are of death. Of death! A professional presenter won’t forget the script or get thrown off by distractions. They’re believable, authentic and don’t let nerves get the better of them.

TPG Brand Specialist presenting to visitors at RIMS.

TPG Brand Specialist presenting to visitors at RIMS.

4. They free up your own team to engage prospects.

We’ve agreed your team has knowledge. Let them use it to engage in deeper conversations with visitors. Delegating exhibit staff to present 10 times daily, is 10 times they can’t lay the groundwork for a sale. Presenting is all-consuming. Also, if your own staff is talking with a prospect they may not take the stage for a scheduled presentation. Trust me, I’ve seen this happen.

TPG Presenter delivers the pitch for our client at NAB.

TPG Presenter delivers the pitch for our client at NAB.

5. They increase qualified leads.

Professional presenters are friendly, attractive, articulate and enthusiastic communicators visitors want to hear. They bring your brand to life and make a great first impression on your target audience. They’re also adept in getting a crowd into the booth. A crowded booth is a prospect magnet. Plus, professional presenters are motivators! Think of the times you’ve heard a good presenter. You’re more likely to remember the product and the message. And, more receptive to buy!

You’ve outsourced your booth design and maybe the script messaging itself. Why would you leave the presenter to chance? The icing on the message cake is a professional presenter.

Related Articles: PITCH PERFECT – 10 Tips for an In-Booth Presentation

NOW HERE THIS – 5 Reasons for an In-Booth Presentation

C.C. Carr - Lead Onsite Director

C.C. Carr – Lead Onsite Director