Making a splash on the show floor
Known as a leader in contrast agents and injection systems, Bayer partnered with TPG to create a robust program at a leading radiology show.
They wanted to showcase their products in a unique way and concentrate on patient throughput and workflow efficiency solutions that leverage AI (artificial intelligence), as well as contrast agents and injection systems for radiology practitioners.
- A bold, creative theme helped drive all marketing and in-booth creative
- Beautiful, dynamic 3D LED water wall skillfully created a stunning visual story
- Bold graphics and marketing campaign helped launch a new AI product
The Strategy
- Use a professional presenter and dynamic visuals to create a short overview story
- Create an interesting marketing theme to be used in all pre and on-site marketing materials
- Drive traffic to the booth using bold graphics and video to generate intrigue around the launch of Bayer’s new AI product
- Develop a unique, interactive in-booth charity activation
The Actions
- Created the created theme “It’s Time To Thrive” and visual hook to highlight Bayer’s solutions that help radiologists manage their workload and thrive, emphasizing ease of use, efficiency, and improved patient outcomes
- Beautiful, dynamic 80′ LED curved wall in the booth created a visually stunning and engaging experience that captured the attention of attendees
- The wall featured a 3D video of waves, effectively communicating the metaphor of radiologists being “underwater” with too many images, emphasizing the challenges they face in their workflow
- Developed a launch pad presentation at the center of the booth with a 3-minute overview solution story, followed by an invitation into the booth for deeper discussions and demos
- Bold imagery was used in the booth to create intrigue around the new AI product
- Created a unique, interactive charity wall to highlight Bayer’s support of charities within the medical field
The Results
- Exceeded booth interaction goal by 200%
- Exceeded lead generation goal by 145%
boost in booth interactions